Thursday, February 10, 2011

La la la la

I couldn't think of a good title for this post, because I have bad news...I didn't lose my last 6 lbs. in a week. I haven't lost anything for the past 3 weeks! It's been awful, but it's totally been all my fault! I've been enjoying regular food way too much and I've caused myself to plateau. When I went to my weigh in this week and saw that I had stayed the same, I was so embarrassed and mad. There isn't any excuse for it! For the past two days I've been doing really really good and I'm determined to get this last weight off of me so I can move on with the diet and with my life. I have also started to train to run my first 5k. I'm really excited about it and I'm hoping that it will help speed up this weight loss. I'll let you know how I do at my next weigh in.


  1. You're so close I know'll you'll get there :) You're doing great!

  2. Ugh! I was being such a good exerciser--for like a week--and then I started my class and down went the exercise. I feel and look like such a slob. I'm determined to do better next week--especially since I tried to kill both Ben and I with cinnamon rolls tonight. We at a WHOLE bunch of them. I want to throw up and go for a run and then throw up some more.
