Friday, March 26, 2010

Wonder or Wonders..

Miracle of Miracles....I don't know how it has happened, but I weighed in today at 168!!!! I have not been to the gym in a month (I know that is awful!) and still I have lost weight! My husband and I did start Weight Watchers together this last Monday, but that couldn't have worked that fast! I know that I need to get back to the gym, I just feel like I have been de-stressing for a month and I have been so tired that I can't even get up any earlier than 7! I have probably jinxed myself by posting this, but I hope that the weight keeps coming off! I am defintely going to have a great day!!!

p.s. I think it's been about a month since I have had to take one of my happy pills too! I have been feeling so much better lately!

Friday, March 12, 2010

I told you...

I said I'm not posting anything anymore until I can give good news. The only good news I have is that in the past three weeks of not going to the gym, I haven't gained any weight. I'm still at 170 and I have even given up all of my protein shakes and bars. My house has been plagued with sickness and my 4 year old was even in the hospital with pnuemonia. I am starting fresh on Monday with going back to the gym, but I'm done with protein bars and shakes for a while. I'm watching what I eat, but also eating whatever I want. I could be doing better, but frankly, I don't want to right now. I'm ready for the sickness to be gone and Spring to come!

Monday, March 1, 2010


Betcha didn't think you would hear from me already! I decided to weigh in yesterday, which went against everything I knew I shouldn't do. BUT, I got a big surprise and I weighed in at 170! I don't know how, I don't know why, but somehow I lost 3 lbs! I am thankful for this loss, and even if it doesn't last, it has given me the motivation I need for this week.
-No gym today. My sinus cold has gone into my chest and I have a hard time breathing, so I don't think I should get on the tredmill right now.
Goal for today: -Eat only when I am hungry -laundry..I procrastinated this weekend and didn't do any cleaning or laundry. When mom is sick, the house goes to pot!