Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Quick update: I have been feeling very UNmotivated ever since Christmas and New Year's. I enjoyed eating regular food again and feeling full, but not too full. So last weeks weigh in was no surprise when I had gained a pound. My chiropractor told me to hang in there and to make a goal of 10 more lbs. and then he would switch me over to phase 2. Well, that was motivaton enough for me...this morning I weighed in at 154. That's a 4 lb. loss this week and my 20 lb. loss mark! Only 6 more lbs. and I am onto phase 2 which means less of "their food" and more regular food. Hurray! I'm going to work my butt off (literally) this week and see if I can drop the last 6 lbs. in a week. I doubt it, but I can try!


  1. I think you can totally do it girl!

  2. You're getting down to the stage when each pound is a lot more than they were before so don't be discouraged if things slow down!

    I'm excited for you! I wish I could get my butt in gear to keep exercising. I need to reconquer Middle Earth! Isaac has been pigging out lately so I'm STARVING to death even though I've been pigging out too! I think he's about to start with real food soon so I'm going to have to watch my eating habits again--eck!
