Saturday, October 30, 2010

Don't Stop Believing

To my faithful readers:
Please don't stop believing in me. I am working on something right now and I will update you on everything in two weeks...maybe in one.

Love you all!
(Jenna and Brandee)


Monday, October 4, 2010

Hot Fudge revelation

So, last night I got out the ice cream and hot fudge that I bought because I was terribly depressed last week. I scooped just one scoop of ice cream into a cup (anyone who knows me, knows that I love to eat everything in a cup!) and I excitedly waited while my hot fudge warmed up in the microwave. When it came out, I eagerly scooped out large amounts and drowned my little portion of Ice Cream. As I began to eat, I was expecting pure ecstasy, and was met with disappointment and confusion. The Hot Fudge wasn't Good! When I say "wasn't good", I don't mean it was old, or burned, or moldy, it just didn't taste good to me anymore. I noticed this occurance earlier in the week when I had a bowl of macaroni and cheese (one of my favorites) and didn't find it appealing anymore either. I even didn't enjoy the spaghetti I had for dinner on Saturday night....and that is my all time favorite!!! As I have pondered about these incidents, I think that I am going to count them as a blessing. I think that it's Heavenly Fathers way of helping me overcome my obsession with food. So, as I sit here drinking my gallon of water and snacking on salt-free, shell-free sunflower seeds (that taste delicious), I am ever thankful to my Heavenly Father. I hope you all have a great day!

New Goal

Okay, so I figure I have about 24-26 weeks until my 29th birthday. If I can lose one pound a week, I can lose 24 to 26 lbs. by then, so my new goal is to lose 29lbs. before my 29th birthday. I can totally do that. One pound a week is a great goal and something I think I can handle.
Goal today: Drink my water and stay busy!