Monday, June 28, 2010

extended vacation

Well, I am still on vacation. I was supposed to go home on Friday, but my mom is in the hospital with some heart problems. I am staying until we know what is going on...BUT, that means I can't keep going on my "vacation diet". It's been awful! I have been exercising, but I swear I have gained 10 lbs! My brother and sister-in-law have been doing the P90X diet, and without even exercising, my sister -in-law has lost 20 lbs. in a month! I started yesterday and I love it! It's a great diet! You actually get to eat. I eat 7 3oz. servings of protein, 3 dairy, 1 fat, 1 carb, 1 fruit, 4 veggies, 2 condiments, 1 protein drink and bar, and a gallon of water everyday....It is actually so much food, I can't get through it all...I will let you know how it goes. (don't worry, I will keep up on the exercise too!)

p.s. It's almost been a year and I haven't really lost any weight. I'm determined to be down in lbs. before my year mark hits...I've really wasted a lot of time. BLAH!

Sunday, June 13, 2010


I am currently on vacation in New Mexico. I am a little nervous to weigh in today because I don't have my scale and I don't know if my brothers is accurate. I also don't know how I have been doing. I feel like I have been doing great on my eating. I did let myself have a free day on one of the days we were driving here, but the next day I really did great. I have also been going walking with my mom and playing tennis every morning, so I should be okay....I guess I should weigh in and just see. I will not be surprised if I'm back in the 170's. I will post my weight in just a little bit. To be continued......

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

it's been a while

I know, it's been too long. BUT, I have great news....I'm 169! I don't know how and I'm not counting on it lasting very long, but I finally saw the 160's again. It's sad that I'm happy about that. I was watching a show last night and this stupid skinny girl was talking about how she is just naturally skinny and "with the way I eat I should be 135"...I wanted to kill her. I would KILL to be 135 again. I will get there. I am getting ready to leave tomorrow for New Mexico. I am going to see my mom for a couple of weeks. I should do good while I am there. I plan on playing a lot of tennis and going walking with my mom is always great. I will keep you posted if I make any more progress while I am there. Ciao!!!
Goal for the day: Eat good