Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Did you miss me? Did you notice I was gone? I have gotten on here a couple of times and I just didn't have anything to post, until today! I lost 4 lbs. this week and 5% Body Fat! Yee-Haw! I'm lookin great and feeling great. People have started noticing (finally!) and it's been great, except this one lady in my ward...good grief! She said to me..."You're starting to look cute. Have you lost weight?" Was I a Hag before I lost weight?? I was confused, so I just said "Yes and Thank you". Weird! Anyway, How are my two faithful readers doing? We miss you and wish we all lived closer!! Will we see you this summer? I hope so! Have a great day!!!


  1. AWESOMENESS!!! You are ROCKIN it girl! And no you did not look like a hag ;-)How much more do you want to lose? I'm almost 100% sure you'll see us this summer :):)

  2. You've always been cute. At Audrey's baptism Emily and I were talking about how pretty her hair was because it was like her mom's. I agreed.

    Yea for 4 lbs. That's a lot of lbs.

    Isaac just screamed for an hour in protest of his nap. I'm counting that stress as my workout today. Does that count?

  3. Thanks you guys. I was feeling pretty offended after she said that. Brandee, I would like to lose 10 more lbs.; I SHOULD lose 20 more; BUT I'm feeling really good how I am right now, so maybe I'll lose 5 more. Jenna-That totally counts as a work out. After I'm stressed, I sure feel like I just ran a marathon!
