Thursday, December 16, 2010

Sweet Success

Kyle bought me a pair of size 10 pants over a year ago that I couldn't fit into, but I kept them as inspiration, hoping to get into them one day.....Today was that day!! I can't even believe that I am wearing them right now and I'm not even "stuffed" into them. They actually slid on and buttoned without any effort!!! I can now die and go to heaven happy! (well, not really because my next goal is size 8) Size 8 here I come!!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


It's been a while since I have updated you on my progress. Don't worry I am still doing great. This morning I have a beef with my chiropractor's scale though. My scale says 157 (I know!! Freaking awesome!) but his said 160. Not fair! Oh well. I will go with what my scale says! I'm feeling good. Here are my accomplishments so far:
weight loss : 17 lbs. (according to my scale)
Body fat % lost: 3.1%
Inches : 7.25 combined from my hips, waist and thighs

I'm feeling good, but hungry still. It's been 6 weeks, and by next week I hope to hit the 20 lbs. mark and be fitting good into my "skinny-er" jeans. Not my skinny jeans, but skinnier that what I've been wearing.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I weighed in yesterday and I only went up 2 lbs. from my Thanksgiving fiasco! Thank Heavens! What kills me is that I wasted that whole week and I still didn't even eat Thanksgiving dinner! I wasted my cheating on crap! Well, I'm back now and I'm back to work. I had a huge headache yesterday and hopefully today will be better. Cheating is just not worth it!

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Well, I said it over and over and now I am saying it again... I should never have left the house for Thanksgiving!!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

down again

Weigh in: 162! I'm loving this! This week was harder though. I have had a problem with low blood pressure in the past and this week I was really light headed. Plus, I made cookies for Kyle's trip yesterday and I didn't use all of the dough and I feel like it is calling me from the fridge....don't worry, I know it's not worth it. I'll make the rest of the cookies tonight with the kids and watch them eat them. I've been happy that I have been able to bake without eating any of my finished products. Hopefully by next week I'll be down a size in my pants. Yeah for losing weight!

Monday, November 15, 2010


This isn't really a post to update. It's mostly to just write back to my two faithful readers.
Brandee* It took me 2 weeks. I am on week 3 and I've already lost 3 more lbs.! The diet is called Ideal Protein. It's kind of like Medifast, but the food is way better and you get to eat more real food. It's a 4 step program. You stay on Step 1 until you lose 90% of the weight you want to lose and then steps 2,3,and 4 start introducing more foods until you are completely off their "packets". My friend did it and lost 25 lbs in 2 months and she was cheating the whole time. I haven't cheated at all, so I'm hoping to lose more in two months. She also can eat whatever. She totally binged for a week on vacation, gained 4 lbs, went on step 1 for a day and lost the 4 lbs. It's great because it burns fat, not muscle.
Jenna* I better be looking great for Troy's wedding! That's why I started now! I haven't had one piece of Halloween candy!! Get off your butt (that you don't have) and do some sit ups. If you are anything like your brothers, you will lose weight just by standing up! I've put Kyle on a diet too....he's starting to get the Larsen gut and it's not cute. I am ready to move away from the snow anytime, it's just Kyle that is holding me back. I wish I could hold Isaac right now and let you take a nap! One day we will live closer!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Drum Roll Please.......

I've lost 7lbs. and 4.5 inches!!! I'm finally down to 166! That is my big surprise! Two weeks ago, I started a new diet called Ideal Protein. It's been great! I haven't really been telling anyone, espcially my parents. I wanted to see how it works and I really want to surprise my parents when I see them at Christmas. I'm doing good, but I am worried about going away for Thanksgiving. We'll see how I do. Finally getting some results!
p.s. the diet is super expensive, so I am taking donations.....:)

Monday, November 8, 2010


I know that you are all dying to know what my last post was all about, but you need to wait until Friday. I promise that it will all be worth it!!!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Don't Stop Believing

To my faithful readers:
Please don't stop believing in me. I am working on something right now and I will update you on everything in two weeks...maybe in one.

Love you all!
(Jenna and Brandee)


Monday, October 4, 2010

Hot Fudge revelation

So, last night I got out the ice cream and hot fudge that I bought because I was terribly depressed last week. I scooped just one scoop of ice cream into a cup (anyone who knows me, knows that I love to eat everything in a cup!) and I excitedly waited while my hot fudge warmed up in the microwave. When it came out, I eagerly scooped out large amounts and drowned my little portion of Ice Cream. As I began to eat, I was expecting pure ecstasy, and was met with disappointment and confusion. The Hot Fudge wasn't Good! When I say "wasn't good", I don't mean it was old, or burned, or moldy, it just didn't taste good to me anymore. I noticed this occurance earlier in the week when I had a bowl of macaroni and cheese (one of my favorites) and didn't find it appealing anymore either. I even didn't enjoy the spaghetti I had for dinner on Saturday night....and that is my all time favorite!!! As I have pondered about these incidents, I think that I am going to count them as a blessing. I think that it's Heavenly Fathers way of helping me overcome my obsession with food. So, as I sit here drinking my gallon of water and snacking on salt-free, shell-free sunflower seeds (that taste delicious), I am ever thankful to my Heavenly Father. I hope you all have a great day!

New Goal

Okay, so I figure I have about 24-26 weeks until my 29th birthday. If I can lose one pound a week, I can lose 24 to 26 lbs. by then, so my new goal is to lose 29lbs. before my 29th birthday. I can totally do that. One pound a week is a great goal and something I think I can handle.
Goal today: Drink my water and stay busy!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Today I am feeling good. I made it to the gym this morning and went walking with my know, it's much harder pushing a double stroller with 50lbs. of kids in it, than just walking by yourself. I feel so good, I even danced in my driveway to my iPod this morning...until my neighbors started to leave for work. I only dance for me!
Goal for today: Eat healthy, I am worth it!
Jenna* You can always go to the gym in the early morning like I do. Just wait until Joe starts sleeping at night.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Ta Da!

I actually made it to the gym this morning! It's been since May, and I really needed it. I also went walking with my kids for 40 minutes. It's been a great morning and I hope the rest of the day is just as great!
Goal for the day: Eat Healthy...take a shower!

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Well, there must be something wrong with me. I gained 2 pounds this week. Believe me, if I was sitting around eating burgers and ho ho's all day, I wouldn't be a bit surprised. But the fact that I'm really cutting back on my calories and working my *** off, I just don't know. Blah. That's how I feel right now...just Blah.
p.s. Jenna* No Joe the Embryo's will be coming to this house ever again. It's all up to you, Michelle, Carolyn and Shae to populate the Hildreth clan now. This store is closed for good!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


If I don't lose weight from teaching dance, then something is definitely wrong. Tuesday through Thursday I am teaching dance and constantly exhausted! I am also going walking 3 days a week and doing Step Aerobics 2 days a week. Today I skipped my walk to work on a quilt that I am sewing for a Humanitarian project, and then I literally chased 4 six year olds, one 4 yr. old and a 2 yr. old through the Zoo for 2 hours. Now I have an hour and a half of dance and then I'm going to bed! Poor Kyle, I've been in bed every night at 9 or 9:30 this week. I am tired! I'll weigh in tomorrow to see my progress. Have a great sunshine day!

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Well, the weekend didn't go as great as I planned, but I did get a walk in and I didn't gain any, success?? I started teaching dance this week and boy, I am so tired! I forgot how many muscles I use and how much energy is drained from me! Plus, I have been walking everyday and I did step aerobics with my neighbor this morning. If I don't lose weight now, then I just don't know what to do. I do still need to watch my eating, but I'm feeling really great.
Goal for the night: No dinner, I ate a huge lunch. Lots of water!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Well, I accomplished my goal from my last post. I swear I drank at least a gallon of water. Also, I had a fantastic day yesterday. I did my Wii Fit for half an hour and then went walking with my neighbor for an hour pushing two kids in our double's like pushing the weight of another adult! But my biggest victory came later. SO, I had a Girl's Night last night and I knew we were going to eat, so I skipped dinner so I could have a treat. When I got to AppleBees, the only thing that looked good was a salad, so while everyone else was eating these gigantic cookies with ice cream (which made me sick just looking at them) I ate my caesar salad and was actually very happy! I came home feeling like an exalted warrior ( inside joke ) and I only hope I can do it again today. I have already done my walk for the day, but I need to get drinking my water. I'm headed to the Biggest Weekend in Dillon, MT and just pray for me that I make it throught the weekend!
Goal for the next couple of days: Keep drinking my water, go walking everyday, eat in moderation.
Have a great Labor Day! p.s. Jenna, did you get off the couch yet?? (Ha Ha!)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I noticed that this is my 100th post. Thank you Jenna for still supporting me, even without results. Yesterday was just an all around bad day, except for my walk. It was the only thing that went right. I WILL have a better day today and I'm going to go walking again today. I am also GOING to take a nap today. I went to bed at 8:45 last night...ridiculous, I know, but it also tells you what kind of day I really had. I thought I would be safer in bed. Have a beautiful day and accomplish at least one goal today!
Goal for me: drink my water and go walking.

Monday, August 23, 2010


I know, I know. I am a complete failure. I'm pretty sure my year is up and I am still 170. It's Awful!! I just wanted anyone who might be still checking this (doubt it) that I haven't given up. I am still striving each and everyday. I am just running in place. It is frustrating to me and I'm sure you are sick of reading about my ups and downs. I'm going to start blogging again, but I guess I just can't promise anything. I'm not too proud of myself right now and I can't even believe it's been a year!! I'm sorry that I let you down, but I'm mostly sorry that I have let myself down.

Monday, June 28, 2010

extended vacation

Well, I am still on vacation. I was supposed to go home on Friday, but my mom is in the hospital with some heart problems. I am staying until we know what is going on...BUT, that means I can't keep going on my "vacation diet". It's been awful! I have been exercising, but I swear I have gained 10 lbs! My brother and sister-in-law have been doing the P90X diet, and without even exercising, my sister -in-law has lost 20 lbs. in a month! I started yesterday and I love it! It's a great diet! You actually get to eat. I eat 7 3oz. servings of protein, 3 dairy, 1 fat, 1 carb, 1 fruit, 4 veggies, 2 condiments, 1 protein drink and bar, and a gallon of water everyday....It is actually so much food, I can't get through it all...I will let you know how it goes. (don't worry, I will keep up on the exercise too!)

p.s. It's almost been a year and I haven't really lost any weight. I'm determined to be down in lbs. before my year mark hits...I've really wasted a lot of time. BLAH!

Sunday, June 13, 2010


I am currently on vacation in New Mexico. I am a little nervous to weigh in today because I don't have my scale and I don't know if my brothers is accurate. I also don't know how I have been doing. I feel like I have been doing great on my eating. I did let myself have a free day on one of the days we were driving here, but the next day I really did great. I have also been going walking with my mom and playing tennis every morning, so I should be okay....I guess I should weigh in and just see. I will not be surprised if I'm back in the 170's. I will post my weight in just a little bit. To be continued......

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

it's been a while

I know, it's been too long. BUT, I have great news....I'm 169! I don't know how and I'm not counting on it lasting very long, but I finally saw the 160's again. It's sad that I'm happy about that. I was watching a show last night and this stupid skinny girl was talking about how she is just naturally skinny and "with the way I eat I should be 135"...I wanted to kill her. I would KILL to be 135 again. I will get there. I am getting ready to leave tomorrow for New Mexico. I am going to see my mom for a couple of weeks. I should do good while I am there. I plan on playing a lot of tennis and going walking with my mom is always great. I will keep you posted if I make any more progress while I am there. Ciao!!!
Goal for the day: Eat good

Monday, May 24, 2010

weigh in..week 4?

Or is it week 3? I can't remember..all I know is that I finally lost some weight! I am down to 170. I am grateful for those two pounds. I really exercised a lot more last week and ate..better, not great, but better. Losing weight always boost my motivation.
Goals for today: -eat good -get on the tredmill -accomplish atleast half of my huge list of things to do.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Walked and walked

My tredmill has mysteriously started working again, so yesterday I got on for a good 45 minutes and one minute of pushing the belt while it was off (that is super hard!), then for some reason I decided to eat macaroni and cheese for lunch and I sat there staring at my empty bowl thinking "Why did I just do that??" It's like my body is on autopilot and I am flying towards a mountian and instead of grabbing the wheel and turning, I just keep crashing into the mountain....So, I got back on the tredmill for another 45 minutes and one munute push. Then I danced with my kids. I felt so much better. Today I am going to turn off the destructive autopilot and I'm flying myself safely through this journey called Friday.
Goal: Eat super good for breakfast and lunch because I have Girl's Night tonight and we are going to my favorite pizza and pasta restaurant and I know I'm going to want to eat something there.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Week 3

Well, I am still the same weight (172) but I'm still doing better everyday. Yesterday I was so busy I can't even remember if I ate and I went walking and played tennis. This morning I got up a little late, but still went walking and my husband had my 3 egg whites all ready for me after I was done showering. I guess I just need to take each day and make it better than the day before.
Goal today: -Drink more water -Eat more veggies

Friday, May 14, 2010


Okay, so I started eating a bowl of cereal this morning and I put it down after a couple of bites and said...It's not worth it! I chose a yummy salad with lots of chicken with a side of cucumber for lunch, and when I took my kiddos for ice cream and I ordered myself a small shake...I only drank half and threw the rest out. It wasn't worth it! I've done so good today and I even got to go play tennis and spend outside time with my kids. I'm exhausted but not a bit guilty! I love myself right now....I know that sounds vain, but I need to feel this way more.


I'm excited and nervous to see what the scale has in store for me. I have been doing a lot better, but there is still a lot of room for improvement. I've been trying to cut out most of my carbs, but when there are no eggs in the house, it's hard to resist the cereal in my pantry! I better buy eggs today. I didn't make it to the alarm turned off his alarm and fell right back into snooze zone. It's okay, I played tennis yesterday and I am leaving in a few minutes to go to another tennis clinic.
Goal today: -when I'm hungry, think Salad. -Buy eggs -Drink more water

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

2 steps forward...

and one step back. I'm going to have a great day today and really DO my best and get rid of that one step back that has kept me from acheiving my goals. I made it to the gym this morning and I feel so great, PLUS watching the Biggest Loser always boosts my motivation. If they can do it I can do it!
Goal for today: -Eat better than yesterday -fold laundry(yes, my laundry has been sitting in baskets for a week now) -Teach dance

Monday, May 10, 2010

Week 2

Well, I'm on my own again. My friend had to drop out of our challenge for now. BUT that doesn't mean I'm stopping. I actually made it to the gym this morning and I'm cutting out carbs today. On saturday we were cleaning out the garage and I found an entire bin full of my "Skinny" clothes. I have so many cute clothes that I need to fit into! I got so angry at myself for letting myself get to this point. I don't want to be like this! I am only 28 and I should feel like I'm 28! I'm changing today and I'm going to DO everything I can to overcome this!
Goal today: -exercise(check) -fold laundry -go play tennis

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 3 and 4

My wonderful husband has been emailing me every morning with motivational quotes and scriptures. It has helped a lot! Especially today. He (ofcourse) quoted Star Wars this morning and it was just what I needed. So, today I am no longer trying, I am doing. Even if it's just for today. I can only commit to one day at a time. Today I will Do my best to eat healthy. I love my husband and I am grateful he has stuck by me through thick and thin....literally!
p.s. I watched a new movie today...The Young Victoria. It is wonderful! I highly recommend it!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 1 and 2

Yesterday was day 1 of my two month challenge and it went pretty well, except I have a bag of chocolate chips in my house that I got into a couple of times. Today, not starting as great, but I'm determined to keep going. I found a picture of myself 30 lbs. lighter and I looked Incredible! It's totally worth it. I didn't get to exercise this morning. It's been so windy and I really want to exercise outside. I think I need to just suck it up and head back to the gym. I get really bored by lifting weights, but even if I went and did just cardio, it's better than nothing. I actually weighed in yesterday a lot lighter than I thought it would be, so I just have to keep going. If I can lose 15lbs. I can go down one pant size. I really want to!!! I have to keep saying..I know it's worth it! I can do it! Wish me luck!
Goal: -stay out of the chocolate chips -eat some veggies and fruit -drink more water

Thursday, April 29, 2010

My Friend Karie

Hurray! I finally found someone who is in the same boat I am! My friend Karie, who is the one who has gotten me into tennis, was talking to me about her struggles with food and weight and it was like I was talking to myself! We both feel very unmotivated right now and we just want to eat! She even weighs the same as me!(Not that that is a good thing)....SO! I talked her into doing a two month challenge with me. We are going to weigh in together every Monday morning and report on our eating every day and play tennis twice a week (or more!) and the first one to lose 15 lbs. wins an all paid (by the loser) steak dinner and a movie! I already feel motivated because I actually have someone who will be suffering with me. We aren't starting until Monday, but I think I'm going to start today so I can get a head start. I feel like my prayers have been answered!
Goal today: -Eat better than yesterday -Exercise -Drink more water

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Two great Days!

Okay, the past two days have been great! I've been exercising and I have kept to my new goal of not eating any carbs....well, not as many. I've really only been allowing myself to have carbs for only one meal a day and they have to be a side item, not the main dish. Last night I had a chicken Ceasar Salad and a few french fries (we were at McD's for my daughters birthday). I feel good and everytime I go to cheat, I always stop myself and think "It's not worth it" and I walk away! I think I am more committed right now because my knees have really been hurting and I know it's because of my weight. I don't want to have knee problems!
Goal for today:- stick to my less carbs -exercise -be happy!

Friday, April 16, 2010

No more tomorrows!

I'm done with putting it off until "tomorrow". I am living in only a world of "Today's" from now on! Today I went for a walk with two of my kids. Today I did my new Biggest Loser exercise game that I got for my birthday. Today I am going to eat good and keep track of my calories. Today I am going to pick rocks out of my yard (I have about 10 million) to enjoy the sunshine and burn some extra calories. Today I am going to be a good mom and play with my kids. Let's here it for Today!!!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Birthday Wishes

Well, my birthday came and went and I am more motivated than ever. I had had a goal to lose 20 lbs. by my birthday and it didn't happen..I feel so disappointed in myself. I have wasted too much time being fat and giving into my weakness. I am better than this and I can do it. I have all of the tools and support, I just NEED to do it! I have been to the gym every day this week and I am so sore! It doesn't pay to skip the gym because now I am starting all over again. I can do it!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Back in business

Life has been so crazy busy lately and I finally made it back to the gym today, for the first time in two months! Kids have been sick, I've been sick, and then I went on a trip and then I had all my family here, and now I'm getting back into my routine and I am more motivated. I HATE waking up to go, but once I am there, I love it and I love the way I feel the rest of the day. Over the weekend, we discovered that my tredmill has died and it will cost more than I bought it for to fix it. I'm sad!!! That means I have to make it to the gym now. I am ready to get back in shape.
Goal for the day: -Stay positive -watch what I eat -drink more water
p.s. Jenna, it was really great to see you. I wish you could have stayed longer. I will be more consistent in my blogging.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Wonder or Wonders..

Miracle of Miracles....I don't know how it has happened, but I weighed in today at 168!!!! I have not been to the gym in a month (I know that is awful!) and still I have lost weight! My husband and I did start Weight Watchers together this last Monday, but that couldn't have worked that fast! I know that I need to get back to the gym, I just feel like I have been de-stressing for a month and I have been so tired that I can't even get up any earlier than 7! I have probably jinxed myself by posting this, but I hope that the weight keeps coming off! I am defintely going to have a great day!!!

p.s. I think it's been about a month since I have had to take one of my happy pills too! I have been feeling so much better lately!

Friday, March 12, 2010

I told you...

I said I'm not posting anything anymore until I can give good news. The only good news I have is that in the past three weeks of not going to the gym, I haven't gained any weight. I'm still at 170 and I have even given up all of my protein shakes and bars. My house has been plagued with sickness and my 4 year old was even in the hospital with pnuemonia. I am starting fresh on Monday with going back to the gym, but I'm done with protein bars and shakes for a while. I'm watching what I eat, but also eating whatever I want. I could be doing better, but frankly, I don't want to right now. I'm ready for the sickness to be gone and Spring to come!

Monday, March 1, 2010


Betcha didn't think you would hear from me already! I decided to weigh in yesterday, which went against everything I knew I shouldn't do. BUT, I got a big surprise and I weighed in at 170! I don't know how, I don't know why, but somehow I lost 3 lbs! I am thankful for this loss, and even if it doesn't last, it has given me the motivation I need for this week.
-No gym today. My sinus cold has gone into my chest and I have a hard time breathing, so I don't think I should get on the tredmill right now.
Goal for today: -Eat only when I am hungry -laundry..I procrastinated this weekend and didn't do any cleaning or laundry. When mom is sick, the house goes to pot!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Spoke too soon

I jinxed myself! I made it one day to the gym and then I got really sick. I have had a really bad cold this whole week and it's been awful! I'm feeling better and even went for a walk with my kids today. I've decided that I'm not going to post anything until I can post something good.
Goal for this week: Make it to the gym and get back into my routine!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Back in the Saddle again...

I'm back. Actually, I never left, but I feel like I did. I took a whole week off from the gym and everything and now I'm back and ready to kick it. I know that the angels were yanking me out of bed this morning, because that is the only way I could have gotten to the gym at 5 this morning. I had a good workout and I am going to be keeping my faithful toy (calorie counter) next to me all day. I want to gain a desire to no longer sin, and I am going to DO my best today!
Goal for today: -keep calories counted -start digging my way out of my hole that is called scrapbooking that I know I am atleast 2 years behind on! AHHH!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Who is that Girl i see....

...Staring straight, back at me? Seriously, that is exactly how I feel! I feel so muscles feel tight, I have so much energy, I just feel great.....and then I look in the mirror and I am always completely shocked at what I see! My thoughts are: Who is that? Who is that girl in the size 12 pants who looks so frumpy? I am honestly shocked, because how I look does NOT reflect how I feel and it is so frustrating! It's my worst nightmare....I am trapped in a fat girls body with no way out! That girl isn't me and I wish I could make her look how I feel, but it's just not working. Kyle keeps telling me to give it time, and I know it is true, but I just wish it would go faster!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

It's been too long

Wow! It's been a few days since I have written! I have really been trying not to be on the computer as much. Nothing really new has happened. After my melt down on Sunday, I had Kyle give me a blessing and I now have a direction to follow. I am trying to do my best each day...I know I shouldn't be "trying", but somedays that's all I have in me. I AM doing much better today so far. I went to the gym and lifted weights and did 20 minutes on the tredmill. After I got all the kids out the door and read my scriptures, I pulled out my old step and my favorite step video and forced myself through 30 minutes of it. I loved it! I have missed doing step aerobics! I just need to find someone who will come over 3 times a week to do it with me. Now I am going to take a bath and finish my laundry.
Goal for today: -know my boundaries and stay within them! -Try to serve someone else -Make valentine's with my kids

Monday, February 8, 2010


From the head down! That's how I feel today. I feel like I haven't slept in 3 days! I didn't go to the gym this morning because I really needed to sleep. I am going to go help in my daughters class today and then I'm coming home for a nap. Last night my friend posted some pictures of me on Facebook and let's just say that it turned into a really emotional night. Thanks to my husband, I made it through the night. I am going to be just fine and I need to work harder. I love my family and everyone who has been supporting me. Thank you.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Tonights the night... live it up! I am feeling very tired and sore today, but I kicked it at the gym! My new workout is going great and I did so great yesterday. My calorie counter is working good as long as it doesn't mess up. The other day I had only had 2 meals and it said I had eaten 1200 calories! Not true. Yesterday it did it again, but I just cleared the info and reput it in and it was fine. Maybe I am hitting enter accidentally and it is doubling my info. 4:30 came WAY too early this morning and my great hubby kept nudging me until I finally rolled out of bed. It went faster today at the gym because I found my MP3 player and I took my '90's big headphones with me and I actually got to listen to some music! I am doing great and now I am starving! Time for some protein!
Goals for today: -UGH Laundry day again! -Tonight is our wards Valentines party and I am in charge of all the games, so I have to go set up for that -I will Do today instead of try!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Talk about it Talk about it Talk about it...

Today I started my new workout schedule and I loved it! I did have to go in 1/2 an hour earlier, but it was well worth it. Kyle thinks I'm insane getting up at 4:30, but I really felt great. My next purchase is going to be an ipod though. It sucks being at the gym with no one to talk to and no music to listen to. I have a lot to do today, so this is short.
Goal: -read my scriptures -teach dance -eat good!

Monday, February 1, 2010

New Motivation

Well, my husband has given me new motivation for this week and I am ready to go. I have a big hole in my exercise pants, so I didn't go to the gym this morning. I need to go get some new ones today. I will exercise at home though. We found my food journal so I am writing everything down and using my new toy to keep track of calories and such. I will succeed today!!
Goal: -Exercise -Keep busy

Friday, January 29, 2010

Shut my mouth...

...slap your grandma. I need a big slap right now. Why am I so stupid??? I did Not do good yesterday and it was because I am stupid stupid stupid.
Goal for today: -Don't be Stupid!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

I'm tryin to find a word to describe this girl.....

...without bein chick! I'm working on it, but it's going slow. So, I have a question. How many grams of fat are you supposed to intake in a day? I thought mine was kind of high for yesterday, but I realized that I really have no clue. I ate really good yesterday, but I did have some cake...I know, I wasn't supposed to, but it looked so good!! Oh well. It's gone now, so I don't have to worry about it until the end of March. My dad works out every day for two hours and he has lost 30 lbs. so far. I have asked him to be my personal trainer. He is going to send me his 4-day workout routine that he does so that I can have a plan when I go to the gym instead of going and getting frustrated when I can't figure out what to do. I'm probably not going to workout for two hours, but atleast I will be busy while I am at the gym.
Goals for today: -Take Emily shopping with her b-day money
- read scriptures - keep track of my food -laundry(ugh)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My new toy!

First of all, Thank you Jenna! I just got it last night and I have been reading the instructions so I can start using it today. I got a new Calorie counter to help me keep track of what I eat and how much I am eating....these were the encouraging words from my husband when I opened it " It will work as long as you are honest" Thanks honey. It is easy to cheat though. Today is another high day. I worked with my trainer and he killed killed killed me! He comes up witht he craziest exercises and I love it! I only have two more sessions with him, so I am going to write down everything I do with him so I can keep going. I have decided that I (and my neighbor) are going to do a tap number on my spring recital and I need to lose weight before I get up infront of everyone and dance.
Today is my Emily's 4th birthday, so I am going to make this a shprt post. I am spending the morning with her. I am going to fix her hair cute, paint her nails, and maybe go buy her a new shirt. She is such a joy in my life and I love her very much!
Goal for today: No Cake. I don't deserve it. Maybe by Audrey's birthday I can splurg.

Monday, January 25, 2010

It's just another Manic Monday...

...whoa a whoa....I don't wish it was Sunday! Well, weigh in day and I am still at 173, which is okay. I'm just glad that I am done gaining. I was almost lazy this morning, but then I remembered how I feel when I don't go to the gym and I jumped out of bed! I did a great ab and interval cardio workout this morning. Came home to my protein shake (I ditched the milk in it and added water to save on carbs and calories) and just finished 40 minutes and 175 burned calories on my Wii Fit. I also read my scriptures already. It's going to be a great day! I still haven't found my food journal, but I am going to start today anyway. I will just have to find a different note book. I set my new goal on my Wii Fit and I want to lose 22 lbs. by my birthday. That gives me 3 months people! I can do it. I just need to be stricter on my diet and push harder on my exercise. I'm sad because I think I might give up my p.t. for a while. We really should be using that money elsewhere, so I am going to think about it. It's not worth the money to only be working with him once a week. I feel like I hardly see him, but I will miss my kiler sessions with him....we'll see.
Goals for today: -Eat more veggies -Start my food journal -do my dishes!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Protein Bars

Okay, so I decided to lay off the protein bars for a while...Big Mistake! Now all I've been eating for my mid-meal snacks are whole packages of Graham crackers! I'm pretty sure the protein bars are much healthier and less calories, so I think I will be switching back to the bars. I can't help myself when we have graham crackers(I eat two at a time and dip them in milk...Yum!) but if I have a bar to fall back on, I could make it through the day. Yesterday I did fantastic until the cracker. I hate making stupid mistakes that can ruin my whole day and all of my efforts!
Everyone can be proud of me, I made it to the gym this morning. I haven't been to the gym on a saturday in a while and I loved it. There was no one there, so I could actually use the weights that I wanted to. I am going to add saturdays more regularly. It helps when you go to bed at 9 on a friday night...I am so lame now! I have a lot to do today, so I will see you next weigh in day. Don't count on my losing anything and My goal for today is to stay away from the graham crackers!

Thursday, January 21, 2010


..of love. I feel like I am on a rollercoaster. Somedays I am so pumped to kick butt and get in shape and then I have days like this where I could care less (not totally true) but I feel a little lazy. I didn't get to the gym because I was lazy. 3 of our kids got up at 3 and 4 this morning and at 4 I really had the urge to just get up and go to the gym, but I was just too lazy to do it. Isn't that sad? Now I am filled with regret because by the time 5 came, I was already back to sleep. I should have gone! It's like I completely sabatoge any efforts or accomplishments I have made. What is wrong with me? I am supposed to go out to dinner tonight, but all I want to do is stay home and walk on my tredmill....I don't think my husband is going to let me do that.
Goal for the day: No more eating. I've done okay, but I know that I will make bad choices if I let myself eat again. Water for dinner and maybe an apple.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

No Carbs, No carbs, no Carbs

I haven't been writing in my food journal for a couple of weeks, so I think I need to start doing that again and I am cutting down my carbs. I know I should still have some, but the past couple of days I have let myself go and I haven't been eating as good as I should. I am going to be putting forth more effort to eat better and exercise more. I have noticed that I can go days without having any fruit other than my 3 strawberries in my protein shake. I've been having a bigger and later lunch, so I actually haven't had dinner this week. I just wasn't hungry. Last night I had an apple before going to bed. I really want to do the Flat Belly diet, but we need to wait until after this payday. I was looking at the recipes and I forgot how many vegetables and different fruits you get to eat.
Goals for today: -keep my food journal -find my food journal - gym(check) -30 min. on the tredmill -teach dance

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It's the end of the world as we know it...

..And I'm just fine. That's right. Test results in and I am 100% just fine. No insulin resistance to be found and now I am just plain out of ideas! I am happy in a small way. I would hate to find out I am on the verge of Diabetes, but it would have answered a lot of questions. So now what? I guess I just keep plugging along. I was thinking how nice it would be to work with my trainer 5 days a week, or even 2. I'm down to one and it's just not enough....I need to get some more students and maybe in Feb. I will be able to go back to 2 days. Anyone with a gun who is willing to shoot me, I'll send you my address.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


I know today is not tuesday..That is when I should get my results from my blood test I did on Friday. It was SO not fun, but I'm glad I did it. I've been thinking about how I will feel if it comes back negative. I will probably cry because I am just at my wits end with this weight loss mess and I guess I will get over it and move on. I will probably not write until I get the results and I am definitely not getting on the scale because I know for a fact that I haven't lost anything. I'll be back in a couple of days.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Just so you know...

I didn't get tested yesterday because they didn't tell me it takes 3 hours and I didn't have the time...I am leaving in 15 minutes to get tested today. I will write more later and let you all know!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

This could be, one of those memories..

On Monday I was having a bad day and I had Kyle give me a blessing. I was told that I if I would keep putting forth the effort, I would be blessed. Well, I have been thinking about getting tested for Insulin Resistance, but I didn't want to go back to the doctor that treated me for my depression. He really was a jerk and even answered his cell phone in the middle of my appointment! I was coming home from the gym this morning and I heard an ad on the radio for a local Urgent Care that is doing Insulin Resistance testing! It was like an answer to my prayers. I just want to find out what is going on with my body so I can get better. I am going to go and get tested today, so I will report back when I know more.
*Side note, the gym was amazing this morning! I was sweating like a pig and now I need to take a shower! I love days like this!
Goals for the day: -go get tested -laundry -practice my Wii tennis, Kyle keeps kicking my trash! -scriptures(check!) -gym(check)! :I have to put things on my list that I have already done so that I can feel like I have accomplished something!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

lookin for love in all the wrong places..

..lookin for love in too many faces.. That's the song that is stuck in my head this morning for some reason. Last night we had a Family Home Evening on eating good foods. I cooked some chicken, pasta, green beans and corn. Then I cut up apples, oranges, bananas, cucumber and carrots and placed all of them on the table. I also got out our butter, margarine, olive oil and spray "I can't believe it's not butter" and we talked about good fats vs. bad fats and how our body does need fat, but not a lot of it. We talked about our car and how it needs the right kind of fuel for it to work right and how if we put the wrong fuel in it, the engine would break and our van wouldn't be able to work. I then turned the van into our bodies and when we give our bodies the right "fuel" we can run and play and our skin and hair are healthier and our bodies will be able to work good. BUT, if we put the bad kind of fuel in our bodies, they might seem like they are working okay for a little bit, but pretty soon our "parts" will shut down and stop working so we couldn't run and play or our "engine"(our heart) could stop and then we would die. Then we let the kids eat all of the good foods on the table and we had them tell one thing that they loved about their bodies. I even did it too! I love my hair and my freckles...I know, I need to work on loving my own body more. I am just proud that I accomplished every single goal I set for yesterday!
Goals for today: _read scriptures -finish folding laundry and put it away -clean up the studio -teach dance today -cook my turkey for dinner -gym(check!)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Here I go again on my own...'n down the only road I've ever known! Seriously, that is how I feel today! I went to the gym and it was so crazy busy and I was just not motivated. I did 20 minutes on the tredmill and 15 on a bike (which was awesome) but I didn't lift any weights because it was so crowded! I ended up just going home. I miss doing step aerobics, or regular aerobics and tae bo. I always feel like I get a good workout when I do those things and the gym I go to just downsized and now doesn't offer any classes. Plus, now my husband wants to go play basketball in the mornings on Wed and Fri, which is great. Really, I want him to go. I might take this opportunity and use those two days to stay home and do some step aerobics or my favorite Tae Bo video. I need to switch it up so I don't get bored. I'm feeling a little bored with the gym.
My second change is that I am adding Saturdays to my workout days. It's the one day a week I wouldn't have to go in at 5, so why not? I went last saturday and it felt great and the gym wasn't crowded at all!
Goals for the day: -Get off the computer right now -go grocery shopping -read my scriptures -take a shower!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Oh boy

Well, I did it already..I gained back my 4 lbs. I just don't get it.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

HCG diet

I am so sick and tired of hearing about the HCG diet! For those of you who don't know about it, it is this diet where you only eat 500 calories and then you can either do injections or drops of this hormone called HCG that supposedly makes your body attack the fat instead of the muscle while you are starving yourself...the only problem with this is that you can't exercise while you are on the diet. So, I have a friend who started it in October and she has already lost 40 lbs! It's disgusting and I looked into doing it, but I just don't feel good about it. I want to build muscle and be able to run and not be weary! I want to exercise! I want to eat more than 500 calories a day! I know the minute she stops the diet it's all going to come back, but it's so hard to see her get those fast results while I am still plugging along with almost no results! What is wrong with my body?! It is fighting so hard to hang on to this stupid weight and I just don't know what to do anymore. I have had the worst cravings this week and I have resisted, but I have been so darn hungry! I think I am doomed to stay this weight the rest of my life...Sorry for the pity party. I am just really frustrated tonight. Goals that I accomplished today..I made it to the gym. That is about it. I ate too much spaghetti for dinner and now I am probably going to gain my 4 lbs. back! AHHH!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

..The Earth says Hello!

I'm out of ideas for the titles of my daily blogs, so I'm choosing random song lyrics. Today I learned that on a scale from 1 to 10, my daily eating habits are at a 6, which is double what the average person is at...according to my trainer. That is good news. The bad news, this week has been so hard for some reason! I have had so many cravings and I have been so extra hungry! I think my body is trying to mess with me. Well, I am not going to give in! I did have some chips and salsa today for lunch and I just can't do that! My trainer wants me to start the Flat Belly Diet, which I started back in August. It's a really good diet and I wanted to stay on it, but my hubby was doing it with me and it's just too expensive for both of us. It is going to have to wait for a while anyway. Finances are running a little low this month after Christmas. Hopefully I can start up in Feb. with it. Well, as the day is almost over, I won't write my goals for the day. I did a lot, but also relaxed today. I did make it to the gym and I was sweating like crazy! Goodnight my faithful readers! I am off to have a protein shake for "dessert".

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Good Morning Star Shine

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a beautiful day in the neighborhood....
I made it to the gym and life is good..well, except for my tired children who have been screaming at me all morning, but other than that, I am doing good. Last night we went to our neighbors house to watch the Fiesta Bowl. I was bombarded with chips and candy! I resisted for the most part, but did indulge a little. It was not worth it at all! I don't know how I used to eat all that junk all the time! I really only had a handful of m'n'm's and I woke up so sick this morning! I love it! It means my body is getting healthier and is helping me remember how not worth it that junk is!
The gym this morning was packed! It's ridiculous how many people started their "New Year's Resolution" this morning. Hopefully by Feb. they give up and it won't be so crowded. Okay, that was kind of mean...Let's just hope that they decide to go at another time. That's better.
Goals for today: -gym (check!) -scriptures -I start teaching dance again today, so get the house clean for that -eat good!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Trying to get back

I am trying to get back into our old routine and it didn't really happen this morning. I was up until 1 last night with a headache, so I slept on the couch and I couldn't hear my alarm from the living, no gym this morning. I still have a lot of pressure in my head, like I am going up in altitude or something. Strange. I need to take some Ibuprofen or something. I am still really happy about my weight lose so I am extra determined to do good today. I have a lot to plan for my dance classes this week and I want to be prepared. I will try to do the Wii today so I can get some exercise. I am not taking a nap today so I will be pooped out by bedtime tonight. I only allow myself one day a week to miss the gym and I really didn't want it to be today.
Goals for today: -Get ready for my classes this week -read my scriptures -eat super good
-do Wii Fit for atlease half an hour.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Weigh In

Okay, so I took a huge risk by weighing in on a Sunday.....and it was worth it! 171!!! Hurray!(Happy dance, happy dance, happy dance) I Finally lost some weight! It has been a long time and it felt good! I had to get on and off the scale a couple of times to make sure I was seeing it right! I was so shocked! 171 still is a huge number, but hopefully it keeps getting smaller! I can't give up! I did So good during the holidays and now I just have to make it through each day. These daily goals must be helping more than I thought!
Today was fast sunday, so my goal today is: -eat a good dinner with lots of protein
-No dessert with game night tonight -make a food list for the week
-fill out my food journal for the past couple of days that I have missed.