Thursday, October 29, 2009

Day 31

I DRAGGED myself to the gym this morning! Good grief! I was so tired!!!!! My eyes were all puffy. I taught 2 hours of dance yesterday and I played an hour of volleyball (and won!) and ran around the gym with my kids for an hour! I just fell into bed at 9:30 last night! Do I use ! too much!!???!!!
Today has been great. I've been super busy. Cleaning and doing laundry, babysitting, etc. I feel sore, which means I'm doing something right. Today is Thursday, so I'm waiting for me to mess up at any moment....I have to pray just to make it through Halloween!!! Thankfully my great husband took all of the Halloween candy out of the house! I love him!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Day 30

I finally got my calendar out to find out exactly how many days I've been doing this. It's hard to believe it's day 30! It's a little depressing that it's been that long and I have only lost 5 lbs. BUT, today I'm in a good mood and feeling I'm not going to let it bother me.
I made it to the gym today and I worked it! 30 minutes on the tredmill doing higher inclines every 5 minutes and when I would decrease incline, I increased speed. Then 45 minutes of lower body weights and abs. I really pushed myself on the weights today. It felt so good! I teach dance today with 2 of my favorite classes and we have volleyball tonight. I just can't mess up on my eating and today should really be perfect.
It's been interesting to see who actually has been reading this and the support I have gotten from unexpected people. I know there haven't been any comments from my husband on here, but I know he reads it. It's been a little disappointing to not have a lot of support from my family, but when my mom is in cambodia and my dad is getting ready to move there, I know they are busy. I give thanks everyday for the people in my life who really care about me and want to help me figure out what the heck is going on with my body!!!! THANKS!!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

day, who cares!

Weigh in: STILL 175. I don't know. I know I should be grateful that I didn't gain any, but it makes me say...Why am I killing myself at the gym and missing out on all the delicious foods I love, just to stay the same!?
Sorry it's been a while, we were gone for the weekend. Over the weekend, I did indulge here and there, but nothing gigantic or anything that killed me. I didn't over eat, I didn't eat sweets the entire time either. But, I did start to think of the things I Don't ever eat and it makes me mad that I am not losing weight. Here's my list: I haven't ever made cinnamon rolls for my kids, we don't make cookies or eat cake, I haven't had Apple Crisp in years (my favorite), we don't eat bacon, I don't put mayo or miracle whip(my other favorite) on sandwiches, we don't buy potato chips unless they are baked, we don't have ice cream, I don't buy candy bars EVER! The list can go on, but that's just a sample. I'm just really frustrated today. There is this girl in my ward, now, I know she isn't perfect, but she is just so dang cute and thin and SO super trendy! Her hair is always so cute...even cuter than mine! Sorry Jenna for all of th negative, but it's just so hard. And I just don't get it. I'm not giving up, I'm just venting. AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
* Jenna, my work out every day is: 30 minutes HARD on either the Eliptical or tredmill, then I do 45 minutes of lifting weights and abs. I do arms one day then legs the next and so forth. I do abs everyday and kill myself, and then I'm not sore the next day. I would love a personal trainer, but there is no way I'm even going to mention it to Kyle because I know he would say yes and I know we don't have the money for it. I'm just going to keep going. Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming. Although, today I feel like I am drowning!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

day 23

Well, nothing really new to say today. I made it to the gym, I've eaten good, taught dance and burned some more calories....I love it! Went grocery shopping for our trip to the cabin tomorrow! I'm so excited because we have some friends that we don't normally hang out with a lot going, so it will be nice to spen some time with them! I'm sorry this is short, but I really don't have anything else to report! Oh, I guess I could write that I started my enzyme that is supposed to help get my metabolism back in shape. I'll have to see if it helps me. Boring!!!!!
Here's my quote for the day " Fesik, are there rocks ahead?" " If there are, we'll all be dead!:

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

day 22

I only have 6 words for today....Sleeping In Is NOT Worth It!!!
I missed the gym so much and I even knew that I would regret it! It will NOT happen tomorrow!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Day 21

I think it's day 21....I think I've been doing this for 3 weeks now. So, weigh in: still 175. I'm okay with is since #1 at least I didn't gain and #2, it's that time of the month, so I'm extra "heavy" right now. That means that I want to have lost two pounds by next weigh in.
Today I'd rather talk about something other than my weight. I need a spiritual boost today. I have been a total slacker in that area and I know it's something I can't slack off on! My kids need all the help I can give them and I need all the help I can get. So why is it so hard to read scriptures and pray everyday? I'm really going to be pushing myself to make it a priority this week.
Also, I've been playing around with the idea of deleting my facebook account. I'm on the computer WAY too much, but I love being in contact with all of those people that I don't see or talk to on a regular basis... If I can't limit myself, I will delete it. I already got rid of my farmville crap...what a stupid game and what a waste of my time! I am vowing today to be a better mom, a better person, and to use my time more wisely!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Day ????

Anyone know what day I'm on? I can't remember right now...probably 17? I don't know. Anyway, I made it through Thursday and today has been great. I went and had a Blood Analysis done and found out that my Metabolism sucks when it comes to Carbs....that's why i'm having such a hard time losing weight! I ordered some "magic" all-natural enzyms that will help. I was gauranteed that I would lose weight with these and it will help my metabolism get better. All really good news! I also have a b12 definciency(? you know what I mean!) and that is why I am tired! Load me up so I can start being healthy and happy again! Well, I am off to go out to dinner with my mother and brother -in-law...I have eaten light today so that I can eat normal tonight. I'm excited about weigh in, but always a little nervous.

* Positive for the day: My hubby pointed out that if I lose one pound every week for my entire year, I will have lost 52 lbs.! It looks better if you look at the long-run than just as "only" one lb. Thanks honey for the support!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

another Thursday

And actually, it's been a great start to another Thursday. But let's visit yesterday first.....
No Gym. WAY too much lunch, so I skipped dinner. I actually wasn't even hungry for dinner. I just made a stupid mistake that SO wasn't even worth it! SO, this morning I "used the force" to get myself out of bed, while I was yelling "I don't want to go!" and I drug myself to the gym and I worked double time to make up for yesterday. I have a lot to do today, so this is going to be short, but the point is....I am going to make it through today because I know I can. I know it is worth it, and yesterday was NOT!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Day 15

Today I killed it at the gym and now I am super tired! I read that the way to really lose weight is to so more strength training. SO, I cut back to only 30 minutes on the Eliptical and then I did 45 minutes of weights and 9:30 a.m. I was passed out on my bed! It felt really good though. There were these two women that always come into the gym right when I am heading over to do Abs and they always take over the whole area. Well, today I just moved their stuff and went on my way while they were both just sitting there talking. I felt so great that I was actually doing something. They made all of that effort to get to the gym (an hour later than I get there and they always act like it's "so early") and then they did nothing! I felt like kicking their butts into gear! I really should be a personal trainer or something. It helps to motivate me.
I have Visiting Day for my dance classes today....I have already had one class and I am worn out! One little girl wet her pants in the middle of class, so then she had to leave. 4 other girls claimed they had to go potty and I "gently" reminded the parents that they need to go before class. Then we had so many people come, there wasn't enough room and their little kids were everywhere!!!! This is why I do not let parents come every week and after today, we might not have visiting day EVER AGAIN!!!!
Sorry, that was my rant and it did have to do with my weight loss. I work so much harder in dance when parents are there so I think I will burn a lot more calories today! Yeah! Peace out my faithful followers!(a.k.a. Jenna!)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Weigh in-Day 14

Okay, here is the second weigh in.....175. I'm down another lb.! Not bad. Whoever said "slow and steady wins the race" was obviously not overweight. I'm glad that I am losing instead of gaining though. I actually had a good weekend. I didn't completely resist treats this weekend, but I was totally in control of it though. I only allowed a little snack here and there and I actually felt like I did a lot better than normal. I made it to the gym this morning...which is always a miracle! I won't be going tomorrow because tomorrow is Temple day for my hubby, so I will try to exercise on my own. I am going to make a few more minor adjustments to my eating to see if this week I can lose more than just one pound.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Day 13

I"M HUNGRY!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 9, 2009 12?

Wow, I can't keep track of how many days it's been! So, my sister-in-law told me that I need to be more positive and write something good that I did. I hate saying good things about myself, but here it goes: Last night at the birthday party, I had a big slice of Oreo Cookie Ice Cream Cake on my plate......Kathryn ended up eating the entire thing! I was going for another piece when I changed my mind and had an apple instead. Hurray! I really felt good that I had made a good choice. This morning I was on my way out the door to the gym, but Kyle decided he needed me home instead ;). It's okay though, because I have really deep cleaned my entire upstairs all day! I got my exercise and I've been too busy to even think of food. I love days like this!
Something else that I like about hair! I have great hair! That's about all I can handle saying about myself for today. I'm excited that I've made it through Thursday and now Friday. Tomorrow is another busy day and hopefully I can get through it too!

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Okay, so today is thursday and it's already no going so well. I didn't go to the gym because I was having stomach cramps last night and I was dead tired this morning. AND I've already eaten quite a bit this morning. I can fix this though. I just won't eat anything until dinner tonight, unless it's fruit. Plus, I'm going to exercise and stretch right now. I have to make it through today! We are going to a b-day party tonight...No cake or ice cream for me! I'm going to do it. I am worth it.
I was watching my 7 year old get dressed this morning. She is a twig! She is so skinny! She looks great in everything she wears and she can wear anything! That's how I want to be! I know I won't ever be a twig, but I want to be skinny enough that I have more options than just a baggy t-shirt and jeans. I'm going to do it! Wish me luck!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Day 10?

I'm losing track of what day I am on. Anyway, I made it to the gym and I feel great! It's getting closer to Thursday so I need to be extra careful. Exercising=A- Eating= B+ Confidence=A++
I really could do better on my eating, but I also feel like I've been doing a lot better. That's just it. I don't have ice cream everynight like I used to, I haven't had treats everyday; I've been exercising; what am I doing that's keeping me from losing weight? I really think it's the thursday - sundays that are killing me. I need to be good this week and see if it pays off. Can I do it? I Think I Can, I Think I Can, I Think I Can!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Weigh in day

Day 8 is starting out great. Well, not as great as I would have liked, but I'll take it. I lost 1 pound this morning. Better than gaining! I hit the gym pretty hard this morning, but I could have done more. Tomorrow I'm going to really let my getto booty have it! Well, I have a lot to do today, so I will write more later.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Day 7

Well, what can I say....I hate the weekends!!! Why is it that I can do so good Mon-Wed and then as soon as Thursday hits, I tank! Thursday was okay, Friday was a little better, but Saturday I did bad!! I totally cheated and had I feel good? NO! Was it worth it? NO!!! A big Hell No! I had girls' night and then we were home for conference and I really have no excuses! I am better than this! I AM BETTER THAN THIS! I had even been feeling really good. I have to weigh in tomorrow and I just don't want to because I know there won't be any change...or I might have gained weight!! That's even worse!!! Somebody just grab a hammer and hit me over the head!
Okay, I'm done venting. I really want to know why I can't make it past Thursday. I'm on a mission to figure this out. Stay tuned for my discoveries and for my remedies.
Does anyone even read this?? I'm not sure anyone does, but I'm going to keep talking. If you have any ideas how I can beat my Thursday hiccups, let me know!!! I'll see you tomorrow for my weigh in...pray for me!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Day 4

I know you are saying...what happened to day 3?? I'm asking myself the same question!!! Yesterday went so fast and I was so busy, I didn't have time to write anything! I can say that I made it to the gym ontime and really killed myself! I also ate good and went to bed at 9:30! My poor husband must feel like he doesn't have a wife anymore!
This morning I got up at 4 and went to the temple. I need that more than anything. I know that I sacrificed a day of the gym to go, but I will be blessed. It was fun going with Missy. She is such a good friend and I am thankful for her good example and for her support. Today my kids don't have any school and I am going to make rice krispie treats.....I am NOT going to eat any! I know that they aren't worth it! Just since monday, I can tell that I have lost weight and I feel so good! I won't weigh in again until next monday, so we will have to see if I'm just imagining it...