Saturday, February 27, 2010

Spoke too soon

I jinxed myself! I made it one day to the gym and then I got really sick. I have had a really bad cold this whole week and it's been awful! I'm feeling better and even went for a walk with my kids today. I've decided that I'm not going to post anything until I can post something good.
Goal for this week: Make it to the gym and get back into my routine!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Back in the Saddle again...

I'm back. Actually, I never left, but I feel like I did. I took a whole week off from the gym and everything and now I'm back and ready to kick it. I know that the angels were yanking me out of bed this morning, because that is the only way I could have gotten to the gym at 5 this morning. I had a good workout and I am going to be keeping my faithful toy (calorie counter) next to me all day. I want to gain a desire to no longer sin, and I am going to DO my best today!
Goal for today: -keep calories counted -start digging my way out of my hole that is called scrapbooking that I know I am atleast 2 years behind on! AHHH!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Who is that Girl i see....

...Staring straight, back at me? Seriously, that is exactly how I feel! I feel so muscles feel tight, I have so much energy, I just feel great.....and then I look in the mirror and I am always completely shocked at what I see! My thoughts are: Who is that? Who is that girl in the size 12 pants who looks so frumpy? I am honestly shocked, because how I look does NOT reflect how I feel and it is so frustrating! It's my worst nightmare....I am trapped in a fat girls body with no way out! That girl isn't me and I wish I could make her look how I feel, but it's just not working. Kyle keeps telling me to give it time, and I know it is true, but I just wish it would go faster!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

It's been too long

Wow! It's been a few days since I have written! I have really been trying not to be on the computer as much. Nothing really new has happened. After my melt down on Sunday, I had Kyle give me a blessing and I now have a direction to follow. I am trying to do my best each day...I know I shouldn't be "trying", but somedays that's all I have in me. I AM doing much better today so far. I went to the gym and lifted weights and did 20 minutes on the tredmill. After I got all the kids out the door and read my scriptures, I pulled out my old step and my favorite step video and forced myself through 30 minutes of it. I loved it! I have missed doing step aerobics! I just need to find someone who will come over 3 times a week to do it with me. Now I am going to take a bath and finish my laundry.
Goal for today: -know my boundaries and stay within them! -Try to serve someone else -Make valentine's with my kids

Monday, February 8, 2010


From the head down! That's how I feel today. I feel like I haven't slept in 3 days! I didn't go to the gym this morning because I really needed to sleep. I am going to go help in my daughters class today and then I'm coming home for a nap. Last night my friend posted some pictures of me on Facebook and let's just say that it turned into a really emotional night. Thanks to my husband, I made it through the night. I am going to be just fine and I need to work harder. I love my family and everyone who has been supporting me. Thank you.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Tonights the night... live it up! I am feeling very tired and sore today, but I kicked it at the gym! My new workout is going great and I did so great yesterday. My calorie counter is working good as long as it doesn't mess up. The other day I had only had 2 meals and it said I had eaten 1200 calories! Not true. Yesterday it did it again, but I just cleared the info and reput it in and it was fine. Maybe I am hitting enter accidentally and it is doubling my info. 4:30 came WAY too early this morning and my great hubby kept nudging me until I finally rolled out of bed. It went faster today at the gym because I found my MP3 player and I took my '90's big headphones with me and I actually got to listen to some music! I am doing great and now I am starving! Time for some protein!
Goals for today: -UGH Laundry day again! -Tonight is our wards Valentines party and I am in charge of all the games, so I have to go set up for that -I will Do today instead of try!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Talk about it Talk about it Talk about it...

Today I started my new workout schedule and I loved it! I did have to go in 1/2 an hour earlier, but it was well worth it. Kyle thinks I'm insane getting up at 4:30, but I really felt great. My next purchase is going to be an ipod though. It sucks being at the gym with no one to talk to and no music to listen to. I have a lot to do today, so this is short.
Goal: -read my scriptures -teach dance -eat good!

Monday, February 1, 2010

New Motivation

Well, my husband has given me new motivation for this week and I am ready to go. I have a big hole in my exercise pants, so I didn't go to the gym this morning. I need to go get some new ones today. I will exercise at home though. We found my food journal so I am writing everything down and using my new toy to keep track of calories and such. I will succeed today!!
Goal: -Exercise -Keep busy