Monday, December 9, 2013

Back on the Wagon

Well..... it's been over 2 years since I have posted to this blog and I can tell you that a LOT has changed! My last posted weight was 152. I am now weighing in at 211. It's awful, I know. In the last two years, I have gone through major depression and I have destroyed all of the hard work and effort I did. I am totally humiliated and disappointed in myself. That being said.
 I am NOT going to let this rule my life! That is why I am back on this blog, even though I know no one is reading it. Last night I watched a video of myself from 2 years ago. I looked great! I was trim, happy and I'll even allow myself to say beautiful! I have never thought I was beautiful. Never! As I went to bed, I realized that I was having a hard time breathing and my arms are constantly going to sleep when I lay down. I'm Not Healthy! I am so overweight that it is effecting my health and happiness. Well, No More I tell you! No More!
  I am ready to change. I want to be healthy and I want to show my 4 daughters that I can work hard to achieve my goals! So, here are my basic goals:

- Stay positive! I can do this!
- Weigh in and blog every Monday.
- Eat 135-175 carbs per day
- Exercise everyday! : this includes my 3 sets of tabatas AND a workout video/ walking
- Eat salad for lunch and dinner. I can do this!
- Take my medicine every day.

P.S. On another sad note, I only accomplished ONE of the items on my Bucket List. I did run a 5k. Isn't that sad? What kind of life am I living?