Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Today I am feeling good. I made it to the gym this morning and went walking with my know, it's much harder pushing a double stroller with 50lbs. of kids in it, than just walking by yourself. I feel so good, I even danced in my driveway to my iPod this morning...until my neighbors started to leave for work. I only dance for me!
Goal for today: Eat healthy, I am worth it!
Jenna* You can always go to the gym in the early morning like I do. Just wait until Joe starts sleeping at night.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Ta Da!

I actually made it to the gym this morning! It's been since May, and I really needed it. I also went walking with my kids for 40 minutes. It's been a great morning and I hope the rest of the day is just as great!
Goal for the day: Eat Healthy...take a shower!

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Well, there must be something wrong with me. I gained 2 pounds this week. Believe me, if I was sitting around eating burgers and ho ho's all day, I wouldn't be a bit surprised. But the fact that I'm really cutting back on my calories and working my *** off, I just don't know. Blah. That's how I feel right now...just Blah.
p.s. Jenna* No Joe the Embryo's will be coming to this house ever again. It's all up to you, Michelle, Carolyn and Shae to populate the Hildreth clan now. This store is closed for good!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


If I don't lose weight from teaching dance, then something is definitely wrong. Tuesday through Thursday I am teaching dance and constantly exhausted! I am also going walking 3 days a week and doing Step Aerobics 2 days a week. Today I skipped my walk to work on a quilt that I am sewing for a Humanitarian project, and then I literally chased 4 six year olds, one 4 yr. old and a 2 yr. old through the Zoo for 2 hours. Now I have an hour and a half of dance and then I'm going to bed! Poor Kyle, I've been in bed every night at 9 or 9:30 this week. I am tired! I'll weigh in tomorrow to see my progress. Have a great sunshine day!

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Well, the weekend didn't go as great as I planned, but I did get a walk in and I didn't gain any, success?? I started teaching dance this week and boy, I am so tired! I forgot how many muscles I use and how much energy is drained from me! Plus, I have been walking everyday and I did step aerobics with my neighbor this morning. If I don't lose weight now, then I just don't know what to do. I do still need to watch my eating, but I'm feeling really great.
Goal for the night: No dinner, I ate a huge lunch. Lots of water!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Well, I accomplished my goal from my last post. I swear I drank at least a gallon of water. Also, I had a fantastic day yesterday. I did my Wii Fit for half an hour and then went walking with my neighbor for an hour pushing two kids in our double's like pushing the weight of another adult! But my biggest victory came later. SO, I had a Girl's Night last night and I knew we were going to eat, so I skipped dinner so I could have a treat. When I got to AppleBees, the only thing that looked good was a salad, so while everyone else was eating these gigantic cookies with ice cream (which made me sick just looking at them) I ate my caesar salad and was actually very happy! I came home feeling like an exalted warrior ( inside joke ) and I only hope I can do it again today. I have already done my walk for the day, but I need to get drinking my water. I'm headed to the Biggest Weekend in Dillon, MT and just pray for me that I make it throught the weekend!
Goal for the next couple of days: Keep drinking my water, go walking everyday, eat in moderation.
Have a great Labor Day! p.s. Jenna, did you get off the couch yet?? (Ha Ha!)