Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Quick update: I have been feeling very UNmotivated ever since Christmas and New Year's. I enjoyed eating regular food again and feeling full, but not too full. So last weeks weigh in was no surprise when I had gained a pound. My chiropractor told me to hang in there and to make a goal of 10 more lbs. and then he would switch me over to phase 2. Well, that was motivaton enough for me...this morning I weighed in at 154. That's a 4 lb. loss this week and my 20 lb. loss mark! Only 6 more lbs. and I am onto phase 2 which means less of "their food" and more regular food. Hurray! I'm going to work my butt off (literally) this week and see if I can drop the last 6 lbs. in a week. I doubt it, but I can try!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I am Here!

I know, I know. It's been forever since I posted anything, but I have seriously been gone this whole time!! We went to Las Vegas, Utah, Utah again, Las Vegas again, and California. It's been nuts!! As for my diet, I did pretty good during the Holidays, but when we went to Disneyland, it went right out the window! I didn't stuff myself though and we walked everywhere, SO:
Weigh in day was today....I still lost 2 lbs.! I was happy about that. All week, every time I ate something NOT on my diet, Kyle just said "Don't cry to me when you get on the scale"...well, no tears here! I'm doing good now that we are home. I only have 14 lbs. left to lose and I'm feeling great! I can do this!!