Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I weighed in yesterday and I only went up 2 lbs. from my Thanksgiving fiasco! Thank Heavens! What kills me is that I wasted that whole week and I still didn't even eat Thanksgiving dinner! I wasted my cheating on crap! Well, I'm back now and I'm back to work. I had a huge headache yesterday and hopefully today will be better. Cheating is just not worth it!

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Well, I said it over and over and now I am saying it again... I should never have left the house for Thanksgiving!!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

down again

Weigh in: 162! I'm loving this! This week was harder though. I have had a problem with low blood pressure in the past and this week I was really light headed. Plus, I made cookies for Kyle's trip yesterday and I didn't use all of the dough and I feel like it is calling me from the fridge....don't worry, I know it's not worth it. I'll make the rest of the cookies tonight with the kids and watch them eat them. I've been happy that I have been able to bake without eating any of my finished products. Hopefully by next week I'll be down a size in my pants. Yeah for losing weight!

Monday, November 15, 2010


This isn't really a post to update. It's mostly to just write back to my two faithful readers.
Brandee* It took me 2 weeks. I am on week 3 and I've already lost 3 more lbs.! The diet is called Ideal Protein. It's kind of like Medifast, but the food is way better and you get to eat more real food. It's a 4 step program. You stay on Step 1 until you lose 90% of the weight you want to lose and then steps 2,3,and 4 start introducing more foods until you are completely off their "packets". My friend did it and lost 25 lbs in 2 months and she was cheating the whole time. I haven't cheated at all, so I'm hoping to lose more in two months. She also can eat whatever. She totally binged for a week on vacation, gained 4 lbs, went on step 1 for a day and lost the 4 lbs. It's great because it burns fat, not muscle.
Jenna* I better be looking great for Troy's wedding! That's why I started now! I haven't had one piece of Halloween candy!! Get off your butt (that you don't have) and do some sit ups. If you are anything like your brothers, you will lose weight just by standing up! I've put Kyle on a diet too....he's starting to get the Larsen gut and it's not cute. I am ready to move away from the snow anytime, it's just Kyle that is holding me back. I wish I could hold Isaac right now and let you take a nap! One day we will live closer!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Drum Roll Please.......

I've lost 7lbs. and 4.5 inches!!! I'm finally down to 166! That is my big surprise! Two weeks ago, I started a new diet called Ideal Protein. It's been great! I haven't really been telling anyone, espcially my parents. I wanted to see how it works and I really want to surprise my parents when I see them at Christmas. I'm doing good, but I am worried about going away for Thanksgiving. We'll see how I do. Finally getting some results!
p.s. the diet is super expensive, so I am taking donations.....:)

Monday, November 8, 2010


I know that you are all dying to know what my last post was all about, but you need to wait until Friday. I promise that it will all be worth it!!!