Friday, November 12, 2010

Drum Roll Please.......

I've lost 7lbs. and 4.5 inches!!! I'm finally down to 166! That is my big surprise! Two weeks ago, I started a new diet called Ideal Protein. It's been great! I haven't really been telling anyone, espcially my parents. I wanted to see how it works and I really want to surprise my parents when I see them at Christmas. I'm doing good, but I am worried about going away for Thanksgiving. We'll see how I do. Finally getting some results!
p.s. the diet is super expensive, so I am taking donations.....:)


  1. yay that is sooo exciting! Ok we can be eachothers support if I make it to the cabing for Thanksgiving. I am starting my diet that I love so much today, I have to add 300 calories bc if nursing but it still should work great. How long did it take you to lose the 6 lbs. and what are the details of the diet??? This is sooo cool I am way excited for you! Can't wait to here more success results from you :):)

  2. Sorry I meant 7 lbs hehehe

  3. Woooo hoooo!! That's great! You lost all of Isaac!! I'm excited to see how well you've done in a month when we're all in Vegas together! Wish I could be nearer family right now--if only you'd move away from the snow!

    I'm working on making time to exercise so that my stomach muscles will hold in my organs again some day. I would like to be a little more toned for Troy's wedding. I need you to support me!! You should send me a mean email every day reminding me to get my butt off the couch!
