Monday, December 9, 2013

Back on the Wagon

Well..... it's been over 2 years since I have posted to this blog and I can tell you that a LOT has changed! My last posted weight was 152. I am now weighing in at 211. It's awful, I know. In the last two years, I have gone through major depression and I have destroyed all of the hard work and effort I did. I am totally humiliated and disappointed in myself. That being said.
 I am NOT going to let this rule my life! That is why I am back on this blog, even though I know no one is reading it. Last night I watched a video of myself from 2 years ago. I looked great! I was trim, happy and I'll even allow myself to say beautiful! I have never thought I was beautiful. Never! As I went to bed, I realized that I was having a hard time breathing and my arms are constantly going to sleep when I lay down. I'm Not Healthy! I am so overweight that it is effecting my health and happiness. Well, No More I tell you! No More!
  I am ready to change. I want to be healthy and I want to show my 4 daughters that I can work hard to achieve my goals! So, here are my basic goals:

- Stay positive! I can do this!
- Weigh in and blog every Monday.
- Eat 135-175 carbs per day
- Exercise everyday! : this includes my 3 sets of tabatas AND a workout video/ walking
- Eat salad for lunch and dinner. I can do this!
- Take my medicine every day.

P.S. On another sad note, I only accomplished ONE of the items on my Bucket List. I did run a 5k. Isn't that sad? What kind of life am I living?

Monday, April 25, 2011

Bucket list

Sorry I've been so bad at posting on this blog. I've been SOOOO busy. I'm still hovering around 152, but I'm okay with that. I'm ending my diet in the next two weeks and then I'm off on a new adventure. Here is my Bucket List of things I want to do before I'm 30:
-Run a 5k (I'm doing this in June!!!)
-Run a half marathon
-Get down to a size 8
-Get out of debt
-Go to Vegas to see Blue Man Group
That's all I have so far. It's not too exciting, but it's a start. If you have any suggestions, let me know. I'll be better at keeping you posted on my bucket list.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Liar Liar Pants on Fire!!!!

AHHH!!! I weighed myself at home this morning....148, but at my 'official' weigh in....152. What the??!!! I even weighed in on every scale they had! It's okay. I'm not discouraged. I'm going to do one more week of phase one on my diet so I can show my dr. that I am actually in the 140's and then I'm moving on to phase 2. I've almost lost 30 lb.s and I am so happy! It has definitely been worth it and I'm grateful to finally be back to my old self.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Did you miss me? Did you notice I was gone? I have gotten on here a couple of times and I just didn't have anything to post, until today! I lost 4 lbs. this week and 5% Body Fat! Yee-Haw! I'm lookin great and feeling great. People have started noticing (finally!) and it's been great, except this one lady in my ward...good grief! She said to me..."You're starting to look cute. Have you lost weight?" Was I a Hag before I lost weight?? I was confused, so I just said "Yes and Thank you". Weird! Anyway, How are my two faithful readers doing? We miss you and wish we all lived closer!! Will we see you this summer? I hope so! Have a great day!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

La la la la

I couldn't think of a good title for this post, because I have bad news...I didn't lose my last 6 lbs. in a week. I haven't lost anything for the past 3 weeks! It's been awful, but it's totally been all my fault! I've been enjoying regular food way too much and I've caused myself to plateau. When I went to my weigh in this week and saw that I had stayed the same, I was so embarrassed and mad. There isn't any excuse for it! For the past two days I've been doing really really good and I'm determined to get this last weight off of me so I can move on with the diet and with my life. I have also started to train to run my first 5k. I'm really excited about it and I'm hoping that it will help speed up this weight loss. I'll let you know how I do at my next weigh in.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Quick update: I have been feeling very UNmotivated ever since Christmas and New Year's. I enjoyed eating regular food again and feeling full, but not too full. So last weeks weigh in was no surprise when I had gained a pound. My chiropractor told me to hang in there and to make a goal of 10 more lbs. and then he would switch me over to phase 2. Well, that was motivaton enough for me...this morning I weighed in at 154. That's a 4 lb. loss this week and my 20 lb. loss mark! Only 6 more lbs. and I am onto phase 2 which means less of "their food" and more regular food. Hurray! I'm going to work my butt off (literally) this week and see if I can drop the last 6 lbs. in a week. I doubt it, but I can try!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I am Here!

I know, I know. It's been forever since I posted anything, but I have seriously been gone this whole time!! We went to Las Vegas, Utah, Utah again, Las Vegas again, and California. It's been nuts!! As for my diet, I did pretty good during the Holidays, but when we went to Disneyland, it went right out the window! I didn't stuff myself though and we walked everywhere, SO:
Weigh in day was today....I still lost 2 lbs.! I was happy about that. All week, every time I ate something NOT on my diet, Kyle just said "Don't cry to me when you get on the scale"...well, no tears here! I'm doing good now that we are home. I only have 14 lbs. left to lose and I'm feeling great! I can do this!!